Climate change has several impacts on
ecosystems and societies and we have to protect ourselves from these impacts.
But we are not only victims of climate change, we also contribute to it. Human
activities, including agricultural sector activities, are causing climate
change through increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
are two main actions we can take:
• on
the one hand, we need to adapt to climate change effects (adaptation);
on the other hand, we should
intervene on its causes (mitigation).
measures deal with the impacts of climate change and have the
objective of reducing the vulnerability of human and natural systems.
addresses the causes of the problem, which involves reducing
greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere.
measures are adjustments to current or expected climate change effects, while
mitigation measures aim to attenuate climate change effects by reducing
concentrations of green house gas.
is adaptation?
is defined as activities that aim “to reduce the vulnerability of human
or natural systems to the impacts of climate change and climate-related risks,
by maintaining or increasing adaptive capacity and systems resilience”
(OECD-DAC, 2011).
and future impacts of climate variability and climate change threaten
development achievements and stall further progress. Adaptation can reduce
these threats. In turn, development, if appropriately planned, can help to
enable climate change adaptation.
to climate change is not fundamentally different from development activities
aiming at reducing vulnerability of people to current stresses. However,
adaptation puts emphasis on reducing those vulnerabilities that result from
current and future climate change impacts. Adaptation measures should therefore
be integrated into policy and programme design.
Adaptation strategies in agriculture are
based on a combination of:
• specific actions (e.g. switching from one
crop variety to another); and
• systemic changes (e.g. diversifying
livelihoods against risks or an institutional reform to create incentives for
better resource management).
time span of adaptation actions can vary considerably. For example, while
farmers can adjust timing of farming operations almost ad-hoc, changes in
entire farming or food systems may require several years to decades.
Adaptation strategies include a broad set of
activities ranging from activities that focus on reducing drivers of
vulnerability to interventions aimed at confronting not yet experienced climate
change impacts. In between, there is a broad spectrum of activities with
gradations of emphasis on vulnerability and impacts that aim to build response
capacity and better manage climate risks.
Climate adaptation strategies can therefore
be listed as:
1. Climate
Information and Forecasting
As farmers deal with
changes in climate and more variability in weather, history becomes less
reliable guide. Under these conditions there is greater payoff to improvements
in forecasts of weather events and inter seasonal weather probabilities
(Harris, 1998; Adams, 1998). Farmers with foreknowledge of such events can
respond by planting and rearing more appropriate crop varieties and livestock
breeds. Thus, major innovations in response to climate variability will take
the form of improved information through global monitoring and forecasting
(Sumner et al, 1998). Better and more timely information could
also help to forecast impending “slow on set” weather events such as drought
more effectively and thereby improve response times and adaptation (Mude et
al, 2009). Thus, improved information delivery is a critical component for
agricultural adaptation to climate change, Hence, The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) has an
important role to play in this regard.
2. New Traits and
agricultural productivity requires technological advances in both crop and
livestock yields. New varieties and traits which could emerge from traditional breeding techniques from advanced biotechnology techniques such as genetic modification (Smith and Lenhart, 1996; Jones, 2010). could lead to less intensive use of
other inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides (Adams and Mortimore, 1997). In
addition to increasing productivity generally, several new traits and varieties
offer farmers greater flexibility in adapting to climate change, including
traits that confer tolerance to drought and heat, and early maturation in order
to shorten the growing season and reduce farmer’s exposure to risk of extreme
weather events
3. Cropping Adjustments
Throughout the world
agricultural scientists have devised various means of coping with variability
in weather. Fallowing land for water conservation or nutrient conservation or
nutrient restoration is an age-old practice of proven value in modern and
traditional agriculture. Deep seeding and wide spacing of plant increases the
chances of soil moisture being available for seedling establishment and growth. One of the most promising methods of reducing the
problem of rainfall variability is the adoption of response farming proposed by
Stewart in 1982 (Gwary, 2005). The response farming technique consists of an
analysis of dates of onset of rains, followed by decisions of when to plant,
the spacing to use, when and if fertilizers should be applied, and the
plant-thinning schedule to follow.
4. Investment in
Water Management and Irrigation
As climate change
advances, water management will play an even more crucial role. In almost all intervention
regions of development cooperation, it could be expected that climate change
will be expressed in changing precipitation (distribution and quantities).
Extreme weather events will lead to floods and increased surface water run-off,
reduce infiltration and, as a result, hamper the natural regeneration of
groundwater. Investments in the protection and rehabilitation of watersheds, in
the improvement of the soil water balance and the creation of artificial water
storage facilities (such as cisterns, water retention basins, small reservoirs)
are necessary across extensive areas. At the same time, the supply of drinking
water must be ensured and water needs to be made available for farming. In
order to ensure the continuous and sustainable yields required in the light of
climate change, in the future farmers will increasingly be forced to produce
crops using additional irrigation.
5. Production
Management and Practices
Production techniques
may be as important as production technologies in climate change adaptation.
One such technique stands out in particular: conservation or reduced tillage
agriculture (Smith and Lenhart, 1996; Nyong et al, 2007). This technique
aims to build up organic matter in soils and create a healthy social ecosystem
by not tilling the soil before each planting. By increasing the organic matter
in soils, conservation agriculture improves the moisture capacity of the soil
and thereby increases water use efficiency. The practice also reduces carbon
emissions by reducing tilling.
6. Insurance systems
It is expected that
in most years, even in times of climate change, normal yields will be
generated. The rising frequency of extreme weather events entailing occurrences
of total crop losses, however, can cost smallholders their basis of livelihood.
Supporting the introduction of specific insurance systems can help safeguard
the bases of nutrition. Innovations in micro-insurance products could aid
farmers’ capacity to adapt to climate change. The Nigeria Agricultural
Insurance Corporation (NAIC) is mandated to provide insurance cover for both
crop and livestock enterprises.
What is mitigation?
Mitigation is defined as activities that aim to attenuate climate change effects by reducing concentrations of green house gas in the atmosphere
• promote efforts to reduce or
limit greenhouse gas emissions (OECD-DAC)…
• including “technological changes that
reduce resource inputs and emissions per unit of output” (Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change).
The agricultural
sector has a substantial potential for mitigation. About 30% of the global
greenhouse gas emissions are due to agriculture activities and deforestation.
Mitigation strategies
the agricultural sector, there are three major options to mitigate climate
1. Reducing emissions:
Agriculture releases to the atmosphere significant amounts of CO2,
CH4, or N2O. The fluxes of these gases can be reduced by
more efficient management of carbon and nitrogen flows in agricultural
ecosystems, leading to less carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane released.
2. Avoiding or displacing emissions:
The energy efficiency of the agriculture sector can be improved. In addition,
fossil fuel energy used in agricultural production can in some cases be
replaced by biofuels. Greater use of wood products can also lead to displacing
CO2 emissions.
Removing emissions: GHGs can be absorbed from the atmosphere through
sinks. A sink is any process, activity or mechanism which removes a greenhouse
gas, an aerosol or a precursor of a greenhouse gas or aerosol from the
The options are now
discussed in detail:
1. Reducing emissions
of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide
option includes:
Adopting improved cropland management practices
Minimal soil
disturbance (minimum and zero tillage) and improved grazing management (e.g.
stocking rate management, rotational grazing, and enclosure of grassland from
livestock grazing) can reduce emissions from volatilization of organic soil
Carbon. Integrated nutrient management can reduce emissions by reducing
leaching and volatile losses, improving nitrogen use efficiency through
precision farming and improving fertilizer application timing.
• Improving
livestock feeding practices
specific agents or dietary additives, improvements in forage quality and
quantity, seeding fodder grasses or legumes with higher productivity and deeper
roots, reducing fuel load by vegetation management, can increase efficiency of
the digestive process thus reducing emissions from enteric fermentation.
• Avoiding
drainage of organic soils
organic soils for cultivation leads to higher GHG emissions. Therefore
maintaining a shallower water table, together with avoiding deep ploughing and
cropping row crops and tubers can reduce emissions.
• Reducing
deforestation and forest degradation
forests for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD)
and adopting sustainable management of existing forests can reduce emissions.
2. Avoiding and
displacing emissions
option includes:
Improving post-harvest practices
Reducing post
harvesting food losses (improved storage and post-harvest handling) will
contribute to decreasing emissions per unit of food consumed.
• Improving
energy use in agricultural production
energy efficiency and replacing fossil fuels with biofuels will reduce emissions
per unit of food produced.
3. Removing emissions
option includes:
Improved agronomic practices
of cover crops, avoiding use of bare fallow and incorporation of crop residue
generate higher inputs of carbon residue, leading to increased soil carbon
storage (systems that retain crop residues tend to increase soil carbon because
these residues are precursors of soil organic matter).
Improved soil & water management
available water in the root zone can enhance biomass production, increase the
amount of above-ground and root biomass returned to the soil, and improve soil
organic concentration (for example: construction of soil or stone bunds,
drainage measures, irrigation).
• Agro-forestry, afforestation/reforestation,
forest restoration
References : Akinwale, J.A. (2019). AEC 507. Environmental Extension. lecture note. Akure. Nigeria : Fedral university of Technology Akure.
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